On the 4th of August, a new domain, “eestistartup,” was registered on Telegram. This new community provides a space where people can meet, collaborate on business ventures, and even find investors for their projects. In just 3 days, the community has grown to more than 50 members, including 3 angel investors.
Daniel: "I discovered that there are many discussions about startups in Estonia, but there is no simple channel where people can communicate, work, and close deals.
TRIION Gaming is playing a significant role in this journey. Not long ago, the core team of TRIION Gaming relocated to Estonia from Malta. Having a strong community is key to success in a new country. "We strongly believe that we will be able to build strong partnerships through this community and even recruit talent."
The future of the community holds a lot of potential, from meet-ups to collaborative projects. Everyone is welcome. The name of the community, 'Estonian Startup Community,' represents its foundation and purpose, but it is not exclusive to Estonians; people from abroad can join as well. The community already includes members from all three Baltic states, Malta, Italy, Poland, and more."